The following documentations are unfortunately only available in german. Please contact us if you require an english translation.
Kailash Hostel Phuntsokling, Odisha, India:
- Kailash-Internat Phuntsokling, Odisha, Indien - Informationsblatt
Tibetan Medical and Astro Institute, Darchen, West Tibet:
- Sun and Moon Guesthouse Darchen, Westtibet
- Umweltschutz in der Kailashregion - Eine Situationsanalyse, 2005 (2.7 MB)
- Kurzbeschrieb der Kailash-Projekte Darchen, Westtibet
- Medizinalbad und Massage Einrichtung, Darchen, Westtibet
Rundbriefe (Information letters):
- Rundbrief Nr.26 November 2024
- Rundbrief Nr.25 November 2023
- Rundbrief Nr.24 November 2022
- Rundbrief Nr.23 November 2021
- Rundbrief Nr.22 November 2020
- Rundbrief Nr.21 November 2019
- Rundbrief Nr.20 November 2018
- Rundbrief Nr.19 November 2017
- Rundbrief Nr.18 November 2016
- Rundbrief Nr.17 August 2015
- Rundbrief Nr.16 November 2014
- Rundbrief Nr.15 November 2013
- Rundbrief Nr.14 November 2012
- Rundbrief Nr.13 November 2011
- Rundbrief Nr.12 November 2010
- Rundbrief Nr.11 Oktober 2009
- Rundbrief Nr.10 Oktober 2008
- Rundbrief Nr. 9 Oktober 2007
- Rundbrief Nr. 8 Juli 2007
Yoga courses by Master Choedar (in tibetan)
Visit of the Kailash Hostel by our President in July 2023
Controlling the correct use of the donations of the sponsors is always of utmost importance to us. In the last three years it was unfortunately not possible for us to visit Odisha directly, due to travel difficulties caused by the corona pandemic. We had however constant contact with the hostel staff. The head of the Phuntsokling Tibetan settlement and the headmaster are also personally committed to our project and always kept us up to date on the latest status. Our visit was however most important. In July this year our President was finally able to visit Phuntsokling again, after a long time.
Furing a full week he had extensive discussions:
- With the students.
The students are generally very satisfied with the friendly atmosphere at the hostel. They really enjoy being able to live together with their comrades.
- With the parents of the students.
The parents are very happy about the financial support and the good education. They hope that our project will continue for years to come. In October 2021, the Ngari Korsum Switzerland association decided to extend support for the boarding school for another 5 years until 2026.
- With the management and teachers of the Sambhoda Tibetan School Society.
The hostel students generally show better results. Learning together in the evening has a very positive effect. Accordingly, the rector also stated: “One of the main reasons for the better performance of the students at the hostel is the sense of togetherness that has developed. Living together allows them to build stronger bonds, a supportive learning environment where they can easily discuss topics.”
- With the management of the Tibetan settlement.
The management likes the strict daily routine at the hostel.
In general, our president had a very positive impression of the situation at the Kailash hostel.
25 Years Anniversary of Kailashprojekte!
25 years ago we started the Kailash projects to help impoverished Tibetans in Tibet and India. Only with the generous financial and moral support from our patrons, sponsors and godparents during all these years we have been able to achieve our goals, first for the Tibetan Medical & Astro Institute at Darchen, West-Tibet, at the foot of holy Mt. Kailash, and today for the Kailash Hostel at Phuntsokling, Odisha, India. Thank you so much for all your generous help! In this year of silver jubilee we planned to celebrate it with a joyful festival. Unfortunately, the corona pandemic prevented that. |
Kailash Hostel Phuntsokling, Visit by our Sponsor Sylvia Billich in January 2017
Mrs. Sylvia Billich from Hilden / Germany has been supporting the Kailash projects for many years, mainly through sponsorships. It is very important for her to get to know her "children" personally.
In January this year she therefore visited her godson at Phuntsokling in Odisha / India. She wrote a very interesting report about her journey there and her stay at Kailash Internat Phuntsokling.
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Please find her report here (in German).
Mrs. Sylvia Billich had already supported our project at Darchen. She also visited her godchild there:
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We are so grateful to her for her long-standing and always so generous support!
Supervision Visit 2019 at the Kailash Hostel Phuntsokling
Our sponsorship coordinator Konchok Chugstang visited the Kailash Hostel in September to obtain an accurate picture of the current situation at the hostel. The supervision of a correct use of your generous donations is always of utmost importance to us. For a week, Konchok Chugtsang worked with the students, supervisors, and school teachers to fully understand the situation at the hostel and to make any necessary improvements. Several meetings with parents were also organized. The following points were essential for the visit:
- Students should be able to spend their five important years at the Kailash hostel in a peaceful and loving atmosphere.
- Furthermore, a healthy balanced diet for the students is important to us.
- The students should have enough free time for sports and games, undisturbed space for self-study and homework.
- Another goal of the visit was to inspire and motivate students to learning and further training.
![]() Happy students |
All in all, the visit made it very clear how happy the students are at Kailash hostel.
Supervision Visits 2017 at the Kailash Hostel Phuntsokling
The monitoring and control of a correct and adequate use of the generous donations of our sponsors has always been very important to us. Our new board of directors, President Karma Gongyü and Vice President Tenzin Batsang, therefore in autumn visited the Kailash hostel, from August 31 to September 5.
In addition to getting to know each other better for a further optimal cooperation, the assessment of the projects of the previous year as well as the identification and planning of new necessary improvement projects were targets of the visit.
There were also many individual interviews with students and staff. It became very clear how motivated and happy the students are at the Kailash hostel.
Supervision Visits 2016 at the Kailash Hostel Phuntsokling
The association has in its projects always monitored with great care that donations are used in a correct and transparent manner. Tsering Wangdak Batsang and Konchok Chugtsang therefore in September again visited the Kailash Hostel.
The completion of the dormitories for boys and girls and the construction of the residential home for the members of staff they found carried out in a very satisfactory manner.
The students they found very happy, healthy and motivated to learn. The students are very satisfied with life at the Kailash hostel. Both the teachers as well as the parents have informed us that generally the learning progress of the students staying at the hostel is much better than that of other students.
Kailash Hostel of Phuntsokling Tibetan Settlement Opened and in Good Progress
Our Tibetan Ngari Korsum Association Switzerland has decided to continue with full enthusiasm in supporting projects for education and healthcare for needy Tibetans, concentrating now on projects in the Tibetan communities in India and in Nepal.
Among many proposals the hostel project at the Phuntsokling Tibetan Settlement in Orissa, eastern part of India, was preselected, as most deserving our attention. It is located in one of the most remote and poorest Tibetan Settlements. The project was unanimously approved by the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Association in October 2011.
Opening: After completion of a substantial renovation of the buildings and improvements of the infrastructure, on February 2nd, 2012 the Kailash-Hostel was formally opened.Turning Point for Kailash-Projekte 2011
The Authorities in West Tibet stop our support for the projects at Darchen, West Tibet.
We are starting a new project at a remote and one of the poorest Tibetan Settlements in India.
The Situation of the Tibetan Medical & Astro Institute, Mt. Kailash, Darchen, Tibet
As we have informed in March 2011, the highest authorities in West Tibet unexpectedly blocked our support for the Tibetan Medical & Astro Institute at Darchen.
Due to the generous moral and financial support by our sponsors and patrons during the last 16 years, we have been able to establish there an extraordinary centre for education, healthcare and environmental protection, in one of the most remote and poorest areas of Tibet.
Though it has since been our wish to visit the Institute to meet students, staff and concerned officials for a proper farewell, it was unfortunately not possible this year. We will however certainly continue to check the situation at Darchen for possibilities of further support.
As we have heard, the Institute fortunately so far continues to perform well. One of our Swiss friends writes after his recent visit : “Not much has changed. So your great work at least lasts for a while, to keep the character and cleanliness and quality.”
Apparently the Institute was able to start a 4 th batch with 33 students to study Tibetan medicine. The clinic and medicine production continue to operate. Additionally the new sponsor has made a paved road from Darchen village to the Institute. There is therefore good reason to hope that the Institute will remain a learning centre for Tibetan medicine and a healthcare centre for the local population and pilgrims still for many years to come.
Selection of a New Project: Kailash Hostel of Phuntsokling Tibetan Settlement, Orissa, India
At the Extraordinary General Meeting of its members on February 27, 2011 at Waedenswil, the Tibetan Ngari Korsum Association Switzerland has decided to continue with full enthusiasm to support projects for education and healthcare for needy Tibetans, based on its long experience in these fields. The support would concentrate on projects in the Tibetan communities in India and in Nepal.
A careful selection and appraisal was most important, and this was taking some time. But now we are in a position to present an excellent project, most deserving our support.
A project assessment team was sent to India in April, headed by Mr. Sampa Dhondup. The team has visited many potential projects. As a result the Association has received numerous proposals. Among these we have found the hostel project at the Phuntsokling Tibetan Settlement in Orissa, in the Eastern part of India, as most deserving our attention. It is located in one of the most remote and poorest Tibetan Settlements.
At an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Association on October 30, 2011, the Hostel Project was therefore unanimously approved.
Details on our new project are given under Projects, Kailash Hostel Phuntsokling.
We are happy to get this opportunity to support needy children in getting a better education.
We are aware of the huge responsibility to take care of the holistic personality development of these youngsters.
Our remarkable achievements in Darchen, Tibet, would not have been possible without the kind help by our sponsors for the last 16 years. Also for the new project we are kindly requesting your help in our venture to make a better future for these Tibetan children.
Urgent News March 2011
New Objective Targets for Kailashprojekte - Engagements for the Tibetan Communities in India and Nepal
Due to the generous moral and financial support by our sponsors and patrons during the last 16 years, we have been able to bring with the Tibetan Medical and Astro Institute Mt. Kailash at Darchen, Westtibet an exceptional result in the fields of education, health and environmental protection to a poorest area in Tibet:
- The infrastructure of the Institute with school, clinic, medicinal production and guesthouse is completed and in a good condition.
- Around eighty of our ex-students are working as Tibetan doctors in all parts of West Tibet.
- Our clinic for the local population, nomads and pilgrims has greatly contributed to the local quality of life.
- The medicinal factory is successfully producing traditional Tibetan medicines for the Institute and 7 other hospitals.
Our staff at Darchen is united and motivated to render their best services for the Institute.
We had planned to continue, with your help, the support for the Institute for many more years. During our meetings with the authorities of West Tibet late last year it had been confirmed to us that they appreciate our work and that they will need our assistance still for a long time.
Unfortunately the highest authority in West Tibet now stops our support for the Tibetan Medical & Astro Institute Mt. Kailash, Darchen, Tibet, from the year 2011
The news is unexpected and difficult to understand. Promising is the fact, that the Institute as a fully functional institution will continue to work. Together with the trained doctors it will continue to be a vitally important support for the local population as well as for the Tibetan pilgrims.
With a heavy heart the Tibetan Ngari Korsum Association Switzerland is therefore forced to part from the projects in Tibet, after many years of hard work.
However, our vision remains. During an Extraordinary General Meeting on February 27, 2011 the Association has decided to continue with full enthusiasm on projects for education and healthcare for the needy Tibetans, based on our long experience in these fields. Our engagement will now concentrate on projects within the Tibetan communities in India and in Nepal.
On the further developments we will keep you fully informed. We hope that we can count on your continued trust and kind support. We can fully assure you, that also in future your donations will be used for the support of poorest Tibetans, also outside Tibet.